Water-soluble grooming aid gel easy to use.
In practice
- good covering of the area to be protected
- reduction of discomfort
- return to a supple skin
- control of bacterial growth
Tube of 200 g net

The use of this gel showed highly positive results in tested horses.
Instructions for use
Clean with care the area to be covered, then apply a thin layer of TWYDIL® CUTAGEL.
Best results are obtained with a twice-daily application. No need for a bandage. For further information contact your veterinarian.
Spirulina extract, water, alcohol, glycerol, essential oil of Tea tree and Lavender
Scientific base and bibliography
Choi, J.H., S. Kim, et al. (2015). "Spirulan from Blue-Green Algae inhibits fibrin and blood clots: its potent antithrombotic effects." Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 29 (5): 240-248.
Fakurazi S., A. Palanisamy, et al. (2013). "Topical treatment of blue-green algae extract promote healing of diabetic wound." International Conference of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine On Health (ICTCMH 2013), 24-26 May 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
Gur, C.S., D.K. Erdogan, et al. (2013). "In vitro and in vivo investigations of the wound healing effect of crude Spirulina extract and C-Phycocyanin." Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 7 (8): 425-433.
Syarina, P.N.A., G. Karthivashan, et al. (2015). "Wound healing potential of Spirulina Platensis extracts on human dermal fibroblast cells." EXCLI Journal 14: 385-393.
Antidoping certificate: THE TWYDIL® SOLUTION
- Each batch is officially certified by the LCH (following controls on urine and blood).
- TWYDIL® remains worldwide the only company to undertake a double control at the LCH laboratory on the product and on the blood and urine of a horse having received an overdose of the TWYDIL® product before release.
Declared content until expiry date
Thanks to the exceptional quality of the utilised ingredients and the most sophisticated techniques in producing and packaging its products, TWYDIL® is able to guarantee, under proper storage conditions and use, the declared content until expiry date.